Frequently Asked Questions

Account access FAQs

  • How do I retrieve my login information?
    If you cannot remember your log in information, click on the "Trouble logging in" link on the My Account login page. Complete the form to regain access to your account.

    If you continue to have problems, please contact us online. Provide as much information as possible, including the page where you encountered the problem and any error messages.
  • Can I log in and see multiple contracts/policies at the same time?
    Yes. All your contract and policy numbers with Horace Mann will be listed on your My Account page after you successfully log in.
  • I forgot my password. How can I access my account?
    You can reset your password by clicking "Trouble logging in?" just below "Password" on the My Account login page. Complete the form to regain access to your account.
  • I cannot login to my online account. What should I do?

    If you are unable to register, likely causes are:

    • You're not the primary owner of the policy.
    • We have an incorrect Social Security number on file.
    • We have an incorrect birth date on our system.

    For assistance please call us at 800-999-1030 Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 7 PM Central Time (annuity, life and group) and 7 AM to 8 PM Central Time (auto and property).

    For other issues and non-emergency requests, email us. Include as much information as possible, including the page where you encountered the problem and any error messages.

Online account registration FAQs

  • Why should I register for an online account?

    Register for online account access if you:

    • Would like to view your account information such as coverages and contract information;
    • Want to make a one-time auto, property, life and annuity payment;
    • Want to sign up for our recurring electronic funds transfer payment service for auto, property, life and annuity;
    • Track your claims status and view payments;
    • Want to communicate securely with a Horace Mann representative.

    Our customer service hours are Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 7 PM Central Time(annuity, life and group) and 7 AM to 8 PM Central Time (auto and property).

  • How do I sign up for online account access?
    1. Click the "Register your account" link under the My Account Login section.
    2. Fill out the registration form, which will match your information with our database and present your account information if accepted.

Paperless notifications FAQs

  • How do paperless documents work?

    Once enrolled in the paperless option via My Profile (eCommunications), you will be sent an email notification with a link to My Account. There you will find electronic documents via your unique online account (My Account). Email notifications will be sent in lieu of paper documents via the U.S. Postal Service.

  • I'm having trouble signing up for paperless documents. What should I do?
    Email us. Include as much information as possible, including the page where you encountered the problem and any error messages. You may also call us at 800-999-1030, and a Horace Mann representative will help you.
  • What are the hardware/software requirements?
    You will need access to the internet and a valid email account. Documents will be viewable using Adobe Acrobat Reader version 9 or greater.
  • What types of documents will I receive after enrolling in the paperless option?

    You will only receive documents that you have elected to receive electronically.

    Auto: Bills, policy contracts, declarations, ID cards (in some states), Notifications/Correspondence (including cancellation notices in some states)

    Annuity: Compliance materials (prospectuses, annual reports, semi-annual reports, etc.), in-force documents (correspondence, statements & confirmations) and contracts.

    Shareholder Reports: Annual and semi-annual reports to your variable annuity investment options.

    There may be some documents that cannot be delivered electronically due to legal and/or technological constraints in your state. These documents will be delivered to you via the U.S. Postal Service.

    At this time, the paperless option is not available for Life & Property customers.

  • May I request paper copies of my documents to be sent in the mail?

    Documents will be made viewable and printable for paperless enrollees through your unique online account (My Account). You may also call us at 800-999-1030, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Central time.

  • When/How can I enroll/un-enroll in the paperless option or change my email address?

    Paperless customers may un-enroll or change their email address at any time. Upon un-enrollment, documentation will be mailed to your postal address via the U.S. Postal Service.
    The following channels may be used to perform these changes:

  • What results in an email being undeliverable?

    In the event an email is rejected (including: server down, mailbox full, etc.), redelivery will be attempted. If we are still unable to deliver electronic notifications, you will be alerted via the U.S. Postal Service.

    You may also update your email address by using one of the methods below:

    • Log in to My Account, click on My Profile and change your preferred email
    • Call our Contact Center at 800-999-1030

Homeowners insurance FAQs

  • What coverages come with a Homeowners insurance policy?
    • Residence coverage protects your dwelling and attached structures, such as garages, porches and decks.
    • Related private structures coverage protects additional structures and outdoor fixtures not attached to your home, unless you use them for business.
    • Medical payment coverage pays for necessary medical expenses (subject to policy limits) for non-residents injured on your property.
    • Personal liability coverage protects you against injuries to others on your property and elsewhere. Plus it covers accidental damage to someone else's property.
    • Basic personal property coverage protects your personal belongings anywhere in the world! The policy limits coverage for certain types of property, but you can increase these limits or insure certain valuable items.
    • Coverage for additional living expenses and loss of rent covers extra reasonable and necessary costs incurred (up to your policy's limit) if you're forced to live in temporary quarters due to a covered loss or repair of your home.
  • What perils is my house covered against?

    Covered perils vary by policy, but Homeowners insurance typically covers:

    • Fire
    • Windstorm or hail
    • Lightning
    • Weight of ice, sleet or snow
    • Smoke damage
    • Explosion
    • Vandalism
    • Theft
    • Structural collapse
    • Frozen plumbing
    • Glass breakage
    • Falling objects
    • Riot
    • Falling aircraft
    • Damage done by other vehicles
    • Accidental water damage**
    • Damage to appliances caused by electrical currents
  • How does my Homeowners insurance deductible affect me?
    The deductible is the amount of a loss you must pay before your insurance starts to pay.

    Generally, higher deductibles mean lower premiums because you take on more risk and pay for small claims that are less than your deductible amount. Choose a deductible that’s low enough you can cover it out of pocket, but also high enough to reduce your premium.
  • How can I be sure I'm getting good value for my Homeowners insurance?
    Don't cut corners
    Your home is one of the largest investments you’ll make in your lifetime. If you’re underinsured, you could be faced with a massive financial burden if you ever have to repair or rebuild your home in the event of a major loss or catastrophe. Make sure your policy is up to date and your home and its contents are adequately covered.

    Review your policy
    Upon each renewal, review your policy with your agent. Tell them about any changes to your home, such as a recent renovation, and ask about additional coverages you may need or discounts you could qualify for.

    Choose the right deductible for you
    The deductible is the amount of a loss you must pay before the insurance company pays. By increasing your deductible, you can save money on your premiums, but make sure you can pay the out-of-pocket expenses if you have a claim. 

    Insure your home and auto with the same company
    Horace Mann offers lower rates if you insure both your home and auto with us.

    Service is important
    Horace Mann and its representatives will handle your claims fairly and quickly. You’ll also have a dedicated agent who can answer questions about your policies and coverage options.

    Consider other factors
    You may qualify for lower rates by installing fire or burglar alarm systems.

Renters insurance FAQs

  • What’s the difference between renters insurance and homeowners insurance?
    Both renters insurance and homeowners insurance protect your possessions. The difference between each is homeowners insurance also protects the structure – the building itself, while renters insurance does not. Renters insurance primarily covers belongings and provides general liability coverage.
  • Is renters insurance required?
    Renters insurance isn’t legally required, but some rental agreements and leases may require it.
  • Can roommates share renters insurance?
    You should each have your own policy that covers your own belongings. Individual policies usurp doubling the number of belongings being covered and potentially reaching coverage limits. Also, if one of you moves out, you’ll need to untie your policies which can be complicated if you don’t leave on good terms.
  • What is a renters insurance home inventory?
    A renters insurance home inventory is an inventory of everything you own that would be potentially covered by your renters insurance policy. This is helpful when filing a claim, as some insurers may request proof of ownership of an item. There are many home inventory apps that let you photograph and document items straight from your smartphone.
  • How much does renters insurance cost?
    The cost of a renters insurance policy depends on the collective value of the property you’re insuring, where you live, your credit score, and the type of policy you buy. According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the average renters insurance premium in 2020 was $173.1

Life insurance FAQs

  • What does life insurance provide?
    Life insurance provides a death benefit if the insured passes away while the policy is in effect. Life insurance death benefits are typically paid out as an income tax-free lump sum to the beneficiary.
  • Who is a beneficiary?
    The beneficiary is the person(s) named by the owner of a life insurance policy to receive the death benefit when an insured passes away.
  • Who do I name as my beneficiary?
    Usually, the beneficiary is the person who depends on your financial support. That could include your spouse, children, or other family members.
  • How often should I review my beneficiary designation?
    You should review who you named as beneficiary every two to three years. Life happens, and needs and circumstances change.  Therefore it is important to review your beneficiary designations periodically.
  • Why should I consider life insurance?
    Life insurance is an important part of your financial wellness, even if you don’t have dependents. Life insurance can do more than provide income replacement for your dependents – it can also be used to help build tax-advantaged family assets, help assure the continuity of your business if you pass away, or even pay for final expenses.
  • When do I need life insurance?
    Major life events affect your insurance needs. You should consider purchasing a life insurance policy at certain times, such as, when you get married, when you purchase a home, when you have children, or when you’re starting a business.
  • How much life insurance do I need?
    It depends on where you are in your life and who depends on you financially. When you're starting a family, you probably want to have enough to replace your income, so your spouse or partner and children have the support they need. Later in life, when your kids are grown and your house is paid for, you may want to reassess the amount of life insurance you have and focus on final expenses, outstanding debt, and the legacy you would like to leave your loved ones. Find out more about how to estimate your life insurance need, or speak with one of our financial professionals  for a more personalized analysis of your needs.
  • What is the process of purchasing life insurance?
    The best first step is to speak with a financial professional so they can help provide a recommendation for which product best suits your life insurance needs and to answer any questions you may have. The financial professional will help calculate how much life insurance coverage you need and will provide quotes. You would then fill out an application and typically complete a medical exam. The insurance company will then review your application and provide an acceptance or decline decision.

Annuity FAQs

  • Can I cancel my transaction online?
    No. You will be asked to confirm your transaction before finalizing it. If you do not want to complete the transaction, you will be able to cancel at that point.
  • Can I use units and percentages for transfers?
    You can use either units or percentages per fund, but you cannot transfer more than 100%.
  • How can I find more information about an investment option?
    Click on each investment option name to read a summary of its objectives.
  • What does the web server time indicate?
    It indicates when you conducted your transaction. Our cutoff time is 3:00 p.m. CT, the normal close of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
  • Why aren't my values up-to-date?
    You have a transaction pending. See "Why is my transaction pending?" below.
  • Why can't I find a certain investment option in my list of choices?
    If you have a transaction pending for a certain investment option, that option won't be available until processed.
  • Why did my nearly-completed transaction automatically cancel?

    For security, the summary page times-out after five minutes of inactivity. To avoid a time-out:

    • Confirm your transaction on the summary page within five minutes;
    • Move your mouse to reset the time-out time; or
    • Back out of the summary page if you want to make a different selection.
  • Why is my transaction pending?

    Once you submit a transfer or allocation change, it shows as pending until processed. You may also receive the transaction pending message on scheduled holidays and unscheduled stock market closings. You can view the effects of changes as follows:

    • A request submitted before 3 p.m. CT Monday through Friday appears the next business day at 7 a.m.
    • A request submitted after 3 p.m. CT Monday through Friday appears at 7 a.m. on the second business day after the transaction.
    • A request submitted after 3 p.m. CT Friday or any time Saturday or Sunday appears the following Tuesday at 7 a.m.
  • Why is the "Transfer money" button not available?
    All investment options have been selected for transfer and are pending, or your contract is within 120 days of maturity. To extend your maturity date, contact our Customer Care representatives toll free at 800-999-1030.

Retirement FAQs

  • What are the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) contribution limits?
    To view IRS contribution limits here is our "Maximize your contributions" document.
  • Why is it important to keep your beneficiaries up-to-date?

    Life events such as birth, marriage, retirement or death can happen at any time. And when you experience a major change, it’s important to make sure your beneficiaries are up to date.

    Do you have a primary and secondary beneficiary named on your account? If so, are they current? Making sure your information is accurate helps protect your assets from potentially transferring to the wrong person. And if you haven’t named a beneficiary, state law will determine who receives your assets.

    Remember, keeping your beneficiary information up to date ensures that you are in control of where your assets will go when you are gone. More importantly, you can feel confident knowing your loved ones will be taken care of.

  • Should I consolidate my retirement accounts?

    You may be interested in a more relaxed pace in your life. Worrying about your retirement accounts, or how you'll receive income from them, may not be something you want to deal with.

    Let us help you. By consolidating your accounts in one place, it will be easier for you to oversee them. And with a retirement income strategy in place, you’ll know what income you can expect to have every month rather than trying to guess.

Student Loan Solutions FAQs

  • Is there a cost to the Student Loan Solutions program?

    There is no cost to the Student Loan Solutions program. We offer complimentary accounts to current Horace Mann customers and public school employees, as well as no-cost district partnerships to bring Student Loan Solutions to district employees.

  • How do I sign up for Student Loan Solutions?

    Sign up for a complimentary Student Loan Solutions account and you will receive an email from our technology provider,, with your sign-up link and instructions for creating your account.

  • What is a Student Loan Solutions account?
    A Student Loan Solutions account provides access to resources, tools and Loan Coaches to help manage your student loan debt, find out if you qualify and apply for federal loan forgiveness and determine the repayment plan right for your situation.
  • Who’s eligible for a Student Loan Solutions account?
    We offer complimentary accounts to current Horace Mann customers and public school employees, as well as no-cost district partnerships to bring Student Loan Solutions to district employees.
  • Are my family members eligible for a Student Loan Solutions account?
    Yes, you can invite a spouse, partner, sibling, child, grandchild or parent to create their own Student Loan Solutions account so they can connect their own student loan information and access the tools and resources to help them manage their own student loans.

    To add a family member, log in to your Student Loan Solutions account and scroll down to locate the “Invite Family Members” tile.
  • How do I log in to my account?
    If you’ve already created your account, select Login in the upper right corner of any page on to access your account. You may also access your account from

    If you’ve requested an account, but haven’t logged in for the first time, call technical support at 855-353-9395 or email to activate your account.
  • Where can I get technical assistance with my account?
    For live help, call 855-353-9395 or chat at, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST. You may also email
  • Could I ever lose my eligibility for an account?

    As long as you are a Horace Mann customer and/or work in public education, you will be eligible for your complimentary Student Loan Solutions account.

  • Who qualifies for loan forgiveness?
    All full-time public school employees with federal student loans can qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF). To find out if you could qualify, sign up for a no-cost Student Loan Solutions account and complete your assessment. Loan Coaches are also available through your account to assist you with any specific questions you may have.
  • Do I qualify for loan forgiveness if my loans have been consolidated?
    Maybe. The type of loan you have and your employment situation can impact your eligibility. To find out if you could qualify, sign up for a no-cost Student Loan Solutions account and complete your assessment. Loan Coaches are also available through your account to assist you with any specific questions you may have.
  • When should I use a Loan Coach?

    Loan Coaches are available through your Student Loan Solutions account to help if you have any questions about your student loans. Loan Coaches are trained to help with federal loan forgiveness programs, loan consolidation and refinance strategies, and general student loan management.

    Schedule a call or communicate via messaging – whichever you prefer. Log in to your account and select the "Student Loan Coaches" tile for assistance.

How to prepare for various disasters

  • Earthquakes

    While most people associate earthquakes with the West Coast, in reality they can occur anywhere across the United States. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has identified five steps to take to prepare for an earthquake:

    • Check for hazards in your home that might break, move, fall off or unlatch during an earthquake.
    • Educate yourself and your family (e.g., how to call 911, how to turn off gas and water).
    • Identify safe places to seek shelter inside and outside of the home.
    • Prepare a disaster kit.
    • Develop an emergency community plan.

    For more earthquake preparedness tips, visit FEMA’s website.

  • Flood

    According to the American Red Cross, floods happen more frequently and are more costly than most other natural disasters in the United States. But you can stay safe by:

    • Listening to local radio and television weather reports regarding flood watches or warnings;
    • Being prepared to evacuate your home with little notice;
    • Moving to higher ground if a flood or flash flood warning is issued for your area;
    • Avoiding driving on flooded roadways, and paying special attention at night when flooded areas are harder to see; and
    • Keeping children out of standing water.

    For more tips, visit the American Red Cross’ website.

  • Hurricanes

    While the hurricane seasons runs from June 1 through November 30, hurricanes can happen year-round. The National Hurricane Center recommends developing a family disaster plan that identifies:

    • An area in your home to post emergency contact numbers.
    • An evacuation plan and a location to meet once you've left your home.
    • Locations where you can leave your pets.
    • If you don't evacuate, a safe room in your home for each hurricane hazard.
    • Your flood insurance is current.

    For more information on preparing for hurricane risks and what action to take when alerted by emergency officials, visit the National Hurricane Center’s website or

  • Tornados
    A tornado is an extremely violent windstorm that can devastate an area in seconds. While tornados most frequently strike the South, Southwest and Midwest, every state is at risk. The peak season for tornadoes is from March through May for the southern states, and late spring through summer for more northern states. Often, tornadoes accompany tropical storms and hurricanes as they move onto land.

    The most important thing to remember is that when you hear a tornado warning, seek shelter immediately in an interior room, away from windows, and on a lower-level floor if possible. If you're traveling in a vehicle, pull over and lay flat in a ditch for protection.

    For more information on how to prepare for a tornado and stay safe when one strikes, visit the American Red Cross’ website.
  • Wildfires

    Wildfires are a growing natural hazard in most parts of the United States as more people build homes in wooded areas and forests. Wildfires can start from any number of sources, ranging from a cigarette left unattended to a lightning strike.

    Although wildfires can start unnoticed and spread rapidly, you can take steps to reduce the chances of damage or injuries:

    • Find out the fire risk for your area.
    • Always be ready to evacuate.
    • Make safe zones around your house and property.
    • Protect your house by removing excess debris from the exterior, using fire resistant siding and developing external water supply sources.

    For more information on how to stay safe before, during and after a wildfire, visit FEMA’s website.

  • Wind
    Winds from hurricanes, tornadoes and strong thunderstorms can tear roofs from buildings, crush walls, uproot trees and hurl debris.

    You can protect your home from wind damage with some preparation, such as moving breakable items away from doors and windows. Other suggestions for safeguarding your home, such as bracing roof trusses or reinforcing garage doors, may require the advice of a contractor or other homebuilding professional.

    For more information on the damage high winds can cause, visit the National Hurricane Center’s website.
  • Winter storms
    While the danger from winter weather varies across the country, almost every part of the United States experiences some winter weather each year. Severe winter weather can produce a destructive combination of extreme cold, heavy snowfall and strong winds producing blizzard-like conditions.

    Winter storms can immobilize entire communities, knocking out power, heat and communications services for extended periods of time.

    For information on how you can help protect your family from these life-threatening situations and your property from the damage winter storms can cause, visit FEMA’s website.