Boston Public Schools 403(b)

Investment Options

The information below displays the investment options available in the Horace Mann Retirement Advantage® Program. You can choose from a menu of investment options that cover the risk/reward spectrum, from conservative to aggressive and both U.S. and International markets. International investing involves special risks such as currency fluctuation, lower liquidity, political and economic uncertainties, and differences in accounting standards.

The maximum annual account fees and expenses that you will periodically pay during the time that you own a Retirement Advantage account are a 0.85% asset-based fee and a $35 account fee. This does not include the fees and expenses of any mutual funds you invest in or processing fees associated with transaction requests, such as loans and distributions.

Select the style category to see the list of investment options in that style. The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. This information shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security referenced herein.

Mutual fund performance 

Month End

Quarter End

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Click the mutual fund name to download public filings including the prospectus or call 800-677-2363.

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Asset Allocation

  Mutual Fund Ticker
  Vanguard LifeStrategy Income Inv VASIX
  Vanguard LifeStrategy Cnsrv Gr Inv VSCGX
  Vanguard LifeStrategy Growth Inv VASGX
  Vanguard LifeStrategy Moderate Gr Inv VSMGX

Intermediate Term Bond

  Mutual Fund Ticker
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer R6 RBFGX
  BlackRock Total Return K MPHQX
  Guggenheim Total Return Bond Instl GIBIX
  JPMorgan Core Plus Bond R6 JCPUX
  PGIM Total Return Bond R6 PTRQX
  Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Adm VBTLX

Emerging Markets

  Mutual Fund Ticker
  DFA Emerging Markets I DFEMX
  Neuberger Berman Emerg Mkts Eq R6 NREMX
  Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx Adm VEMAX


Large Mutual Fund Ticker
Blend MFS Research International R6 MRSKX
Blend Neuberger Berman International Eq R6 NRIQX
Blend Vanguard Developed Markets Idx Admiral VTMGX
Blend Vanguard Total Intl Stock Index Admiral VTIAX
Growth American Funds Europacific Growth R5 RERFX
Growth MFS International Growth R6 MGRDX
Growth Oppenheimer International Growth I OIGIX
Small/Mid Core Mutual Fund Ticker
  DFA International Small Company I DFISX
  Oakmark International Small Cap I OAKEX
Growth Wasatch International Growth WIIGX

Global Real Estate

   Mutual Fund Ticker
   DFA Global Real Estate Securities Port DFGEX
   PGIM Global Real Estate R6 PGRQX

High Yield Bond

   Mutual Fund Ticker
   BlackRock High Yield Bond K BRHYX
  PGIM High Yield R6 PHYQX
  Lord Abbett High Yield R6 LHYVX
  Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Adm VWEAX

Inflation Protected Bond

  Mutual Fund Ticker
  BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond K BPLBX
  DFA Inflation-Protected Securities I DIPSX
  Vanguard Inflation-Protected Securities Adm VAIPX
  Vanguard Short-Term Inflation Protected Sec Idx Adm VTAPX

International Large Value

  Mutual Fund Ticker
  American Beacon Intl Equity Instl AAIEX
  DFA International Value I DFIVX
  JPMorgan International Val R6 JNVMX
  Schroder International Multi SIDRX

Large Company

  Mutual Fund Ticker
Blend Vanguard FTSE Social Index Admiral VFTAX
Core American Funds Investment Company of America RICGX
Core JPMorgan US Equity R6 JUEMX
Core MFS Blended Research Core Equity R6 MUEVX
Core Nuveen Santa Barbara Dividend Growth R6 NSBFX
Core Vanguard 500 Index Admiral VFIAX
Growth American Century Growth R6 AGRDX
Growth JPMorgan Large Cap Growth R6 JLGMX
Growth MFS Growth R6 MFEKX
Growth Neuberger Berman Sustainable Equity R6 NRSRX
Growth T. Rowe Price Growth Stock I PRUFX
Value Diamond Hill Large Cap Y DHLYX
Value JPMorgan Equity Income R6 OIEJX
Value LSV Value Equity LSVEX
Value MFS Value R6 MEIKX

Mid-size Company

  Mutual Fund Ticker
Core Vanguard Extended Market Idx Adm VEXAX
Core Vanguard Mid Cap Index Adm VIMAX
Growth AMG TimesSquare Mid Cap Growth TMDIX
Growth Baird MidCap Inst BMDIX
Growth Ivy Mid Cap Growth N IGRFX
Growth JPMorgan Mid Cap Growth R6 JMGMX
Value MFS Mid Cap Value R6 MVCKX
Value Wells Fargo Special Mid Cap Value R6 WFPRX

Money Market

   Mutual Fund Ticker
  Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund VMFXX

Real Estate

    Mutual Fund Ticker
  Vanguard Real Estate VGSLX
  Virtus Real Estate R6 VRREX

Small Company

  Mutual Fund Ticker
Core DFA US Small Cap I DFSTX
Core T. Rowe Price Small PRVIX
Blend Vanguard Small Cap Index Adm VSMAX
Growth PGIM Jennison Small Company R6 PJSQX
Growth Vanguard Explorer Adm VEXRX
Value Boston Partners Small Cap Value II I BPSIX
Value DFA US Targeted Value I DFFVX
Value JPMorgan Small Cap Value R6 JSVUX
Value Nuveen NWQ Small Cap Value R6 NSCFX

Target Date

   Mutual Fund Ticker
  Vanguard Target Retirement 2020 Inv VTWNX
  Vanguard Target Retirement 2025 Inv VTTVX
  Vanguard Target Retirement 2030 Inv VTHRX
  Vanguard Target Retirement 2035 Inv VTTHX
  Vanguard Target Retirement Income Inv VTINX
  Vanguard Target Retirement 2040 Inv VFORX
  Vanguard Target Retirement 2045 Inv VTIVX
  Vanguard Target Retirement 2050 Inv VFIFX
  Vanguard Target Retirement 2055 Inv VFFVX
  Vanguard Target Retirement 2060 Inv VTTSX
  Vanguard Target Retirement 2065 Inv VLXVX
  Vanguard Target Retirement 2070 Inv VSVNX

World Bond

   Mutual Fund Ticker
  BrandywineGLOBAL Global Opp Bond IS GOBSX
  Loomis Sayles Global Bond N LSGNX
  PGIM Global Total Return R6 PGTQX
  Vanguard Total Intl Bd Idx Admiral VTABX

World Stock

   Mutual Fund Ticker
  MFS Global Equity R6 MWEMX
  Oakmark Global I OAKGX
  Invesco Oppenheimer International Gr R6 OGLIX

Comments and general market related projections are based on information available at the time of writing and believed to be accurate; are for informational purposes only, are not intended as individual or specific advice, may not represent the opinions of the entire firm and may not be relied upon for future investing. Investors are advised to consult with their investment professional about their specific financial needs and goals before makeing any investment decisions.

Horace Mann Investors, Inc. offers Horace Mann Retirement Advantage® as 403(b), 457(b) and 401(a) investment options. Horace Mann Investors, Inc., member FINRA, is located at 1 Horace Mann Plaza, Springfield, IL 62715. You can receive prospectuses from your Horace Mann representative, by calling 877-602-1870 or by visiting You should read the prospectuses carefully and consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before you invest or send money. The prospectuses will provide complete information about these subjects. As with all securities, mutual funds involve a risk of loss, including a loss of principal.

Custodial services are provided by Matrix Trust Company, a Colorado state-chartered trust company located at 717 17th Street, Suite 1300, Denver, CO 80202.

The information provided here is for general informational purposes only, and should not be considered a recommendation or investment, tax or legal advice. Retirement Advantage is not structured to the individualized needs of a particular plan, participant or beneficiary. The plan sponsor is responsible for selecting and monitoring investment options in which participants and beneficiaries may invest. Each investor needs to create an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decisions.