Have a spooky and safe Halloween

Check out these tips from Mayo Clinic to help keep everyone safe.
Make sure costumes fit properly and are kept off the ground to prevent tripping, and choose non-flammable fabrics. If it's chilly outdoors, allow enough room in the costume so that kids can wear warm clothes underneath. If you’re accompanying kids during their trick-or-treating, wear brightly colored clothing with reflective tape or stickers to make sure you’re seen on sidewalks and streets.
Trick or treating
Younger children, especially those under the age of 12, should go trick-or-treating with parents or guardians. Consider going with a group of friends or other parents in a neighborhood you’re familiar with. Have cell phones handy in case something should happen, and make sure someone in the group has a flashlight with fresh batteries. Even though many communities have set hours for trick-or-treating, set a curfew for older children.
Candy and treats
Being careful is always the best policy. Look through the candy and treats children receive, and throw out anything that looks homemade, repackaged or opened. If there are any allergy concerns, review labels or research any candy you’re unfamiliar with to make sure it will not trigger a reaction. And have children brush their teeth extra well after enjoying all their treats!