Put retirement security at the top of your priority list

October is National Retirement Security Month and a good opportunity to give your retirement more thought.
How much have you planned for your retirement? Have you been proactive about it, or is it a hazy, distant goal that you’ve been putting off? October is National Retirement Security Month and a good opportunity to give your retirement more thought.
The best time to start thinking about your retirement is now. The more time you have between now and your retirement date, the more you can save for your goals.
You can start by doing a little research and asking some initial questions.
- What are your retirement income sources? Will you have a pension? Do you have Social Security? Do you have supplemental income accounts you’ll be able to draw on?
- When can you retire? Do you have a retirement age in mind?
- What are your retirement goals? Will you be moving to a different area? Will you keep your house or downsize? Do you plan to keep working or have a part-time job, or will you be done with work?
There’s a lot to think about. And you should really have a strategy. If you need some help answering retirement income questions, you may want to talk to a financial professional.
The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment, tax or legal advice.