Residence coverage
This coverage protects your dwelling and structures on your property, such as garages, porches and decks including the cost to rebuild.
Related private structures coverage
Coverage protects additional structures and outdoor fixtures not attached to your home, unless you use them for business.
Medical payments coverage
This coverage pays for necessary medical expenses (subject to policy limits) for non-residents injured on your property.
Personal liability coverage
Provides coverage for bodily injury or property damage for which you are liable, subject to exclusions.
Unscheduled personal property coverage
This protects your personal belongings anywhere in the world! The policy limits coverage for certain types of property, but you can increase these limits or insure certain valuable items with Scheduled Personal Property coverage, which is not subject to the policy's deductible.
Coverage for additional living expenses and loss of rent
We cover extra reasonable and necessary costs incurred (up to your policy's limit) if you're forced to live in temporary quarters due to covered loss or repair of your home.
Gives you increased coverage on expensive items like jewelry, art, golf clubs or antiques.
Protects your personal property – such as your TV and furniture – by covering the cost to replace them.
Helps restore your identity if compromised and comes with our property policy at no charge.
Helps protect your home and belongings from water damage.
Protects underground wires/pipes on your property that provide services to your home.
Horace Mann customers can save up to 64% on a 24/7 home security system.
Horace Mann Insurance Company and its affiliates underwrite Horace Mann home and auto insurance. The benefits and discounts listed are only general descriptions of coverage and do not constitute a statement of contract. Additional terms and conditions, as described in the policy, must be met for the coverage to be provided. Not all discounts and benefits available in all states. SimpliSafe is not an affiliate of Horace Mann.